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Killian Family on Mission


"We are called to model and multiply the Kingdom of God in order to transform lives, peoples and nations!”


Model: As a family of Jesus followers, we will model God’s Kingdom in our leadership, relationships, ministries, training programs, business operations, corporate spirituality, art and proclamation through media.


Multiply: We will multiply Kingdom oriented development, & discipleship in every sphere of society.


Transform: Through our example, our acts of compassion, and our multi-faceted proclamation of the Gospel, we will endeavor to be God's agents of transformation to individuals and communities, people groups and the nations.​

Serving in YWAM since 2015


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Communities of Hope EXPLAINED!!

Updated: Dec 15, 2018

A Communities of Hope project is an amazing experience to bring your family, congregation or co-workers closer by sharing an outreach week together making a difference in the lives of a family. Bring a group of employees from your company, your small group or bring a group of families from your church and build a home for a needy family in Ngäbe indigenous reservation in Panama. You bring the labor, we’ll bring everything else.  A fantastic team-building event with “hands on” participation – more than just writing a check, you actually build the home! Live out your values. Create a sense of team work and unity. Become more aware and informed of the conditions/needs outside your ‘world’. Each home built takes two full working days or a total of 16 hours. It takes approximately 15 people (ages 15 and older) to build a house. Family teams with children 14 and under can be larger going up to 25 total in size.

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